Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth
- 2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV)
We are a church that believes the wisdom of God is found in the person of Jesus Christ and the Bible. Founded on these truths, High Plains Christian Fellowship is firmly committed to getting God’s Word into the hearts and minds of His children.
Are you ready to begin Discipleship? Curious about it, but not sure? Come and discover what it means to follow Christ through Biblical Discipleship! This study is done one on one and is the beginning of the Discipleship process here at High Plains. You will be challenged to count the tremendous cost of yielding your life to a personal walk with Jesus Christ.
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Cost of Discipleship
Click the picture to learn more about Discipleship 1
This process begins after “Cost of Discipleship”. During this process, the believer is introduced to the 4 Goals of Discipleship through a on on one systematic study of the core doctrines of our faith. This study contains vital and foundational truth to equip you for a victorious Christian life. With that being said, Discipleship 1 is more than simply the transference of Biblical knowledge, it’s about the investment and transfer of one life into another. Thus, our focus is more on the modeling of a Christian life, than the simple learning or transfer of information. We believe this is accomplished by placing higher emphasis on the relationship and authenticity over academia.
Discipleship 1
(D1/Foundations 1)
Click on the picture to learn about Discipleship 2
This process begins after D1. This two-semester course, offered through Living Faith Bible Institute, builds upon the foundational applications discovered and learned in D1. Discipleship 2 is a critical and fantastic resource for any believer who desires to lead and disciple others in the Word of God. This study provides great insights into the nature and philosophy of true Biblical Discipleship, the importance of living a life of Biblical Character, the 7 stages of spiritual growth, how to effectively study the Bible, and how to disciple another believer.
Discipleship 2
(D2/Foundations 2&3)
Click the picture to learn more about LFBI
This schooling is available to all HPCF members who have completed C.O.D, Discipleship 1, and have pastoral approval. Living Faith Bible Institute serves an advanced equipping arm of like-minded churches whose mission is to mold every member into the image of Christ and to mobilize all to minister the Word of God to the world. To this end, LFBI utilizes experienced pastoral leaders to equip men and women of the church to function as shepherds of God’s people through a structured and orderly curriculum that is centered in the Bible. LFBI’s goal is to offer practical study focused on developing Biblical leadership in an atmosphere conducive to learning and living God’s Word. Classes are offered in person and online. Limited Spanish classes available.