Upcoming Church events.
Here you will find a combination of church events and those that are geared more towards our F.O.I ministry. Those have been notated with FOI.

Christmas Party
This will be our 3rd annual Christmas Party!1 We welcome you to join us as we play games, exchange gifts, eat food, and generally have a great time!!
***More information to come

Thanksgiving Dinner
We welcome everyone to come celebrate Thanksgiving with us as this will be our 3rd annual Thanksgiving Dinner and FOI Laramie will be turning 3!!!
***More details will be coming soon

Fall Fest!!
Please come celebrate fall/Halloween with us as we carve pumpkins, play games, dance, and more!!
Think you have what it takes to win a chili cooking contest?? Bring your best version of “American Chili” with your unique twist on it!! Chili’s will be judged by peoples choice and prizes will be awarded.
*** Please bring your own pumpkin to carve if you choose to participate in the pumpkin carving contest! The church will provide a few extras in case someone didn’t bring on and wants to participate. You can also team up with someone who brought one.

Horse'n Around
Please join us for an evening of riding horses and relaxing around a campfire.
You will need to dress warm and have close toe shoes (No sandals or crocs) to be around the horses.
If you would like to roast anything over a campfire, please feel free to bring that with you or reach out to see if it will be provided.
Please let us know if you need directions or a ride to the event.

Fusion Feast
Join us for an amazing feast comprised of 11 traditional dishes from various different countries. Countries represented (but not limited to):
Sri Lanka
Sample food from around the world, visit with friends, family, make new friends, and learn about the various cultures.
We hope you are able to join us as we see this as a way to merge the gap between the international community and the local Laramie community!!!
For more information, please email us at: HPCFellowship@gmail.com

Jubilee Days PRCA Rodeo
Join us for this Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association Sanctioned event!!! The PRCA is the largest organization in the world! it sanctions over 650 events in Canada, US, and Mexico, with members from each country as well as others. The championship event is the National Finals Rodeo in December. Please come with us as we enjoy watching the 7 sports recognized by the PRCA, these include tie down roping, bull riding, saddle bronc riding, bareback riding, team roping and steer wrestling.
***Each person will be responsible for purchasing their own ticket
Fireworks and BonFires!!
Join us for an exciting evening of food, fun, and FIREWORKS!! Bring your own fireworks, bring a dish to share, and bring the whole family and lots of friends to help us celebrate Independance Day!!!

Freedom Has a Birthday
Freedom has a Birthday is presented by Rocky Mountain Power and will be held on July 4th, 2023 from 10AM to 4PM. This event is a family friendly, alcohol-free event that has attracted more that 10,000 visitors. This years event will include a performance by the Laramie Municipal Band, Two Entertainment stages, Free Children’s activities, Organizational, Demonstration, and Retal booths, as well as A Food Court!!
High Plains Christian Fellowship and Friends of Internationals will be there with games and free water!

Recreation Day
This adventure will take place in the mountains west of Laramie near Lake Owen. Bring some food to roast over the fire like hot dogs, marshmallows, or anything else you feel daring with! There will be opportunities to hike, bike, fish, photography, or just chill, relax and soak up the sun! Please check out the F.O.I gallery for pictures from last year.

Free Fishing Day
Experience the beauty of the mountains while making the most of the state’s free fishing day!! Don’t forget to pack a delicious lunch, grab your sunscreen and let’s making unforgettable memories together!!

F.O.I End of the Year BBQ
Come join us as we celebrate the end of the Spring semester. We will be meeting at the Otto Dahl at Washington Park. The Otto Dahl shelter is located by the basketball court. Please come relax, eat some food, and fellowship with us as students and families winddown after a long and crazy semester of classes.
There will be beef hotdogs, beef hamburgers, buns, chips, vegetable trays, watermelon and a celebration cake. Please feel free to bring something to share with everyone

F.O.I Easter Eggstravaganza
If you were around last year, you know how much fun this was. We will be meeting to dye Easter eggs, fellowship, eat some tasty treats, and share with the internationals how much fun an Easter Egg hunt is.

F.O.I Snow Day
This is geared towards our Friends of International ministry. We will be taking internationals out to play in the snow. We did this last year and they all loved it. We will be sledding, snowshoeing, taking ride in a mule with tracks, and generally just enjoying time together while we are having fun in the snow.
This year we are adding an extra fun activity. There is a neighboring property that has graciously invited everyone to come see some Bison up close and in person.

Mission Focus
Mission Focus is devoted to developing a culture of missions engagement and complete surrender among every member of the Living Faith Fellowship Churches. The Great Commission is every believer’s responsibility, beginning across the street and spanning the globe by sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, making disciples, training leaders, and sending to reproduce biblical ministry (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8; 2 Corinthians 5:17-21). Mission Focus is a great opportunity for HPCF church members, from young to old to take personal stock of how they live the Great Commission. This conference has been used powerfully to impact the hearts and lives of many growing leaders to hear the call of God. Click the link for more information

F.O.I Cultural Exchange
This is a time where we can all get together and share aspects of cultures from around the world.